วันพุธที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Rescue Time With One Simple Change

Image : http://www.flickr.com

This simple tip might just be my all-time favorite when it comes to rescuing time in social media.

It's about Facebook.

More specifically, it's about Facebook notification emails.

Even more specifically, it's about how to turn them OFF.

Most people I work with are already flooded with emails for business, from clients, friends, subscriptions, and countless others. The dozens of notifications for every little thing that happens on your Facebook profile can get, well, just annoying. Not to mention those notifications can bury the important emails under the flood, making them easy to miss.

Fortunately, it's an easy fix.

Just go to the top right corner of your page to "Account."

Then "Account Settings."

Then click the 3rd tab from the left, "Notifications."

There you'll find a loooong list of things that Facebook automatically sends you an email notification about.

To the left of each item is the option to check whether or not you want to receive that email notification - simply uncheck it and the notifications will stop.

I've found that the only email notifications I want are the weekly birthday reminders (because I do like to say celebrate and wish people Happy Birthday!) and the weekly Pages admin updates (so I can keep up with the growth of my Page and my clients' Pages.) All the other dozens of notifications? Well, I can find them when I actually get on Facebook,

And don't forget to hit "Save Changes" on the bottom of the page!!

Then, instead of being besieged by a flood of emails all day long, you can simply check in on your Facebook profile once a day for a few minutes to see posts, messages, new friends, birthday reminders, and the like!

Simple, easy change = less cluttered email inbox and more time for your genius work!

