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I recently came across someone's website after sending him a random friend request on YouTube. And boy am I glad I found his site.
Lots of great content on there and his story about how he started is very similar to mine. I basically just sent him a friend request because he had a video about something to do with "Home Business". I asked him if he owned his own business and if he could tell me a bit more about it. He responded a few days later and gave me a link to his site..where I read his story.
If I never took the steps to reach out and contact him and other like minded people and get to know them, I never would have found this guy or the many other people out there who just may have something to help me get to the next step in my online business.
Networking with people like this is actually really easy to do online and YouTube makes it even easier. This is how I find other "like minded critters" to connect with on YouTube:
I do a search on YouTube on a keyword that relates to the kind of people I want to connect with. For example, when I found Jamison I did a search for "Online Business" and got bunch of videos..hundreds to thousands of them.
Then I use Tube Blaster Pro to gather the usernames of the authors of these videos. I then setup it up to automatically send a friend request to all of the authors of those videos I want. I even send a short little message along to let them know I am a real person interested in their videos. In this recent case my short note went something like this:
"Hi there. Your video was interesting. Do you own your own business? Can you tell me more about it?"
They approve my friend request and respond to me explaining their business. I get to learn about what these people really have to offer and they look at my page and videos. So it works in both of our favor. I learn a bit about them and they learn a bit about me.
If I didn't use the Tube Blaster Pro software to get all these friend requests it would take an eternity to connect with these people. This software allows me to introduce myself and then become connected to "like mind people" all in one whack...usually while I am sleeping. Thats when I let it run.
Bottom line want to use the giant leveraging capabilities of the internet to connect with as many people as possible to grow your business, you network, your knowledge and your awareness. You never know who you are going to come across or what you will learn from that one person. They may be the key or the inspiration that gets you to that next step or where you want to be.
I know I am talking about Tube Blaster Pro again but it has really helped me out a lot in growing my network on YouTube. I've come across some very valuable content and knowledgeable people.