วันจันทร์ที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Making Money Online Using Social Networking

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Hi Edden Jones again here. Making money online is a very simple theory, you just need to drive people to your website where people will buy your product. The hard part of course is getting people to your website in the first place!

There is so much information available about how to do this it can be overwhelming. My advice for someone starting out trying to make money on the Internet would be, keep it simple! You don't need to master SEO or spend a fortune on pay per click. Use social networking, become a master of it and you can reap the rewards, and best of all it free!

I concentrate my marketing on 3 main social networking sites:

I do use some others but these 3 sites when used correctly can drive more than enough traffic to my sites. With Facebook and Twitter it's important to not abuse them, by this I mean not spamming with every status update or tweet, don't do it! No one wants to be bombarded with you advertising your business every 5 minutes! it's boring. The correct way to do it is to add friends and followers everyday, thus building your 'audience'. Make sure you update your status everyday but with non business stuff, this will help get your personality across and keep people interested. Every 3 or 4 days you can put something about your business with a link to your website, that's fine. Just don't over do it!

Get as many Youtube video's of your business up as possible. People like to see video's especially if it's just a video of you talking to camera because it shows your a real person, and again, gets your personality across. Subscribe to other people's channel and put in a good comment on their channel and they will do the same to you, again this will build an 'audience' and get your vids ranked higher.

Keep doing this and you will see results from social networking!

