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There are easy ways you can make your own video website and actually profit off of it very nicely. Here, step by step, is how you get started.
How to make my own video website and make money off it:
1. There are two ways to get videos on your website. Either make them yourself, or share existing videos which are already uploaded. You may want to do a combination of both, or you can just do the latter. Use what's already out there. There are thousands upon thousands of videos on the internet which you can simply copy and paste code onto your site, and presto - you are on your way to learning how to make your own video website.
2. Traffic. Traffic is very important for the money part to roll in. If you include a lot of funny, humorous, or outrageous videos on your site you can get heavy traffic. You could be the one who finds that one video that ends up going viral everywhere on the net. Then your traffic would really be strong, and you will have gained a rep for having a good eye for up and coming videos.
3. Money. "I want to learn how to make my own video website, but I'd like to earn some cash as well." No problem. There are great ways to monetize your site. You could put small ad's on your site which will bring in small amounts of cash fairly consistently. Then you could include products on your video website. Every time someone buys a product from your site, you get a hefty commission. You don't have to carry the product or ship it or anything. Just advertise the product and get a commission if a sale goes through. Big banner ad's are another high rolling money maker. Team up with a business, and if your site is getting good traffic then they will be willing to pay you heavily for the space.